Which type of yoga should YOU DO?


Whether you attend a course or do yoga at home, I can teach you the right way to do it.

Can you differentiate lyengar from Ashtanga? There are so many different forms of yoga today that it can be quite confusing when you are deciding which style is best for you. Yoga is perfect for practicing at home, but it is very helpful if you first attend a beginner’s course so you can understand the basics. I would recommend you take a training session with a qualified teacher, attend a yoga retreat or take a six week course. I would always recommend starting a beginner’s course or having a one-to-one session with a good teacher. If you are beginner but would like to start with yoga, you can join my online workshop for beginners. Find more about my online workshop for beginners! It's so important to understand the positions and how they should feel before you try them at home.

Some forms of yoga are particularly suitable for beginners. The slow, deep practice of Hatha yoga is the perfect starting point for any would-be yogi, because here you take the time to get to know the positions. Hatha gives the student the opportunity to develop each position before moving on at a slightly faster pace, such as in a Vinyasa yoga class where the positions merge into each other without pause.

FINDING THE RIGHT HATHA YOGA is synonymous with the physical practice of yoga. It forms the basis for all forms of physical yoga. Almost every yoga class held in the western world is based on Hatha. But when a course is explicitly referred to as Hatha, it generally means that it focuses on the basic yoga positions. After warming up to prepare the body, you will go through a number of positions followed by relaxation. The positions are slow and deep, making this the perfect starting point for any would-be yogi, because it gives you time to get to know the positions. Hatha gives the student the opportunity to develop each position before moving on at a slightly faster pace, such as for example, at a Vinyasa yoga class, where the positions merge without pause. You will not sweat much here, but at the end of the course you will feel supple and relaxed.

Vinyasa is pronounced vin-yah-sah. Vinyasa is the Sanskrit word for "flow".

The courses consist of fluid, almost dance-like sequences. The teacher will show you how to synchronize the floating positions with your breathing. Music is often played to help with the flow of the movements. As intense as Ashtanga, Vinyasa helps build flexibility, strength and endurance, while calming the body through breathing. It is perfect for athletes who are under pressure. I am a specialist in Vinyasa Yoga. This Yoga style is the most close to my heart so do I decided to teach it! If you wann join my online Classe, give a try and check out my schedule. Most of my classes are in german language, but if I know I have people from another country I add English as well. Online Yoga Schedule .

Inside Flow
What’s Inside Flow? Inside Flow is the evolution of Vinyasa Yoga, founded by Young Ho Kim. You gently move from one posture to another. Your breath is guided by your movement, synchronised to music. We focus on the movement between the postures, the breath, music, flow and the connection inside of your body! I am a certified Inside Flow teacher and Inside Flow lover! This is more then Yoga style, and if you begin to practice this style you will understand what do I mean! give a try! Let's move and flow together!

ASHTANGA or Power-yoga is a high-energy course that consists of an uninterrupted series of 50 positions practiced in the correct order. It connects the positions to breathing to focus the mind and control the flow of energy through the body. Ashtanga is based on traditional yoga teachings, but was brought to the west by Pattabhi Jois in the 1970s and made popular by celebrities such as Madonna and Sting. It builds upper body strength, flexibility and balance with its hot, sweaty and physically demanding style. It is perfect for those looking for a challenge.

RESTORATIVE YOGA or YIN YOGA is the ultimate relaxation course. Restorative yoga uses neck bolsters, blankets, and blocks to passively position the body so it can benefit without having to strain. It is said to be rejuvenating, like a restful night's sleep, so classes are often held in the evening. Whether you are exhausted after the working week or want to recovering from a workout, this is the perfect way to relax and regenerate.

BIKRAM YOGA (HOT YOGA) developed by Bikram Choudhury some 30 years ago is another form of physically demanding yoga. The courses are held in a room heated to 40 degrees Celsius and the participants work through 26 positions, which are always carried out in the same order as the Ashtanga. Bikram is very popular with enthusiastic fans. They say that it has a cleansing, detoxifying effect on the body and mind. One thing is certain: you will sweat like never before! A study from 2013 on adults practicing Bikram twice a week found that their­­­­­ power and flexibility in deadlifting improved.

SIVANANDA YOGA is a style based on the teachings of Swami Sivananda and is as much a spiritual practice as it is training. It focuses on twelve positions and Sanskrit chants, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation. You will learn all the basic positions and sequences and also find out much about the philosophy of yoga and the importance of relaxation and a vegetarian diet.

IYENGAR YOGA was developed by BKS lyengar, this type of yoga focuses on correct alignment and takes meticulous care to get you in the right position. The pace is slow and the approach is strict. In many courses blocks and belts are used to help get into the positions with the correct technique. There are no flowing sequences, but you will discover how physically and mentally tiring it can be to hold a position. lyengar teachers undergo rigorous training. If you have an injury, lyengar is a good choice for practicing safely. If you enjoy attention to detail and like to move deep into stretching, this course is just right for you.

Are you looking for a certified yoga teacher? Well here I am! Email me and we can organize our first appointment, and begin your new yoga journey together. See you soon! :)



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