Some doors only open from the inside - Max Strom
Is a fantastic teacher, excellent speaker, and author of his two books (There Is No App for Happiness: How to Avoid a Near-Life Experience and A Life Worth Breathing: A Handbook of Strength, Grace, and Healing). Max is traveling around the globe quite often, but he visited My Shanti Studio for the first time. I attended four of his workshops for myself studying and I learned a lot.
Name of the workshops
Inner Axis - The alchemy of transformation
Vital life, saner life, better sleep - Stress management
Some doors only open from the inside - The healing power of the transformational breath work
Inner Axis - Essentials
Max was sitting in the middle of the class full of people. He was not nervous at all. His speech was simply unique. Max's face and whole body was so relaxed. His gesticulation was light and eye contact was everywhere around. It was a beautiful moment to listen his words and watch his peacefulness. I was really "shocked" from his teaching techniques and his beautiful breathing.
Well, for the first time in my life, I learned to breathe! I really can hear my breathing. I am fascinated! I would propose that this workshop should be made compulsory. Could you imagine, what would happen? I guess, people would reduce the stress, depression, anxiety etc. The world would change into the better life. Imagine that...
So, I would love to recommend Max Strom to everyone, because if you are trying to find your inner bliss, the first trick is to learn to breathe! You can visit his workshop or buy his books or dvd and start to breathe from inside and outside.
Max, thank you for your work, inner love, peace and happiness!
Made with Love By Martina