Be & feel good - emotionally, physically,mentally & spiritualy

Happy February!

This month is about to be and feel good: Physically - emotionally - mentally - spiritually! In order to be considered "well," it is imperative for none of these areas to be neglected. So I decided to inspire you with this article.

I am sure that each of us wants to bee and feel good. How to achieve it?

You can achieve it only if you take care of yourself.


Exercise! Do some movements. Yoga, gym, work out. Or even walking 30 minutes a day few times a week will greatly improve your health.

Eat Healthy. Get inspiration from my healthy recipes and start to cook healthy. Avoid fried foods, soft drinks, processed meats, and sweets. Try to include fruits and vegetables in your diet everyday. Don't skip meals. Eat regularly. Avoid heavy episodic drinking and drug use.

Get at least 6-9 hours of sleep every night.


Try to maintain a positive attitude even when problems arise. Discover your personal stress reliever. Always try something that makes you happy. Find what you love. Manage stress – Techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, meditation, yoga or progressive muscle relaxation can help alleviate stress. Manage your time wisely because it will help lower stress. Associate with people that can share your personal interest and avoid bad people as much as you can. Find someone that you trust who you can openly share your feelings with.


The mind is one of the strange things that makes us human, and it affects not only the way the body works but also the physical self. Have you ever noticed that people who are always under stress look tired, uncomfortable and old more than their age? Very often, a lack of mental health leads to emotional difficulties and even affects physical health. To ensure that you take care of your mental health, you need to learn to observe mental self care. This will help you to recognize situations, events and people that stress you so that you know how to manage them best when you need to.

Don’t hesitate to say “no” to others when you need time for yourself. Avoid stress. Avoid being with toxic people. Read books and listen to music based on your mood. Always challenge every negative thinking – Negative thought will probably pop up from time to time, but the key is to recognize them and prevent them from dominating you.


Spiritual self-care is a set of rituals and practices that we do to promote our connection to our higher self. It consists of actions that we undertake to deepen the connection between ourselves and our “higher self” or the part of us that wants and needs to connect with something that is greater than ourselves. It is important to note that spiritual self-care does not necessarily have to be linked to a particular religion or spiritual practice. It doesn’t necessarily have to involve religion in any way, nor does it have to be focused on religion. Practicing spiritual self-care not only leads to greater inner peace but can also help us to live in greater alignment with our core values. It can also connect us to our true self, the real us.

Find a quiet place and spend time there every day. Regular Meditation (Meditation is one of the most effective methods of connecting with the higher self because it has numerous benefits). This will help you to connect with your source, essence, spirit, and core of your being.

Contemplate the meaning of your life.

Spreading kindness or helping those in needs. Spend time appreciating the natural world around you.

I hope this was helpful for you! I wish you a beautiful month and see you soon on the mat online or offline!

Schedule for February:

From 14.2. we are starting with new 5 weeks courses here in Adenau and online! Check out my schedule and lets flow and practice yoga together!

Special classes - “Drop in” and workshop in Februar:

I started to teach Inside Flow in YogaFantasy Studio in Adenau. This class is for everyone who wants to start with Inside Flow. To all Inside Flow classes you can sign up via my shop one day before the class starts!

Don't miss my Inside Flow & disco night in Adenau. With this workshop I am travelling around Germany a teaching it in different Yoga Studios. If you live near to Adenau, don't miss this workshop! By the way Adenau is about 50 km from Bonn and 69 from Köln. If you are from there you are welcome to come and visit my studio in the heart of Eifel and lets flow and glow together!

Inside Flow in Köln

Every Monday at 18:00 you can flow with me in Köln. I am the only person who is teaching Inside Flow in Köln. So lets Flow and Glow together. I promise you will experience lots of fun and happiness on your mat. I am teaching in Ta jet Garden. You can book your class here!

Inside Flow workshop in Saarland

My friend and colleague has invited my to teach in her city. So if you want to experience Inside Flow Workshop and disco Night come and join us.

5 weeks online Inside Flow

Every Thursday at 18:00. The new dates you will find on my website with the Course we are starting next week on 16.2. Lets flow and glow together! This course is in German language, but if there are people from different countries I speak German and English.

On Demand Membership (only in German language)

Have you seen the new video series from Bali? If not, try them out! I also film new Yoga videos from Köln and from Adenau! So you can be exited about a new content!

Free Mitgliedschaft

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Hopefully I will see you soon on the mat ! Have a beautiful February ! Much love, Martina!


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Be & feel good - emotional, körperlich, mental & spirituell